Thursday, March 8, 2018

March Teacher Support Group

If you missed our February or January discussions, catch up with us this month! Angie's husband, who is a LCSW licensed clinical social worker, will start our meetings with a "be well" message. Angie will help you learn and Whitney will provide you with some tools to help you do what you learn.


March Topic: Repeated Readings: The Good and Unintended Messages 

Tools for the Discussion...
1. Read prior to the discussion: Addressing Unintended Instructional Messages About Repeated Reading by Nancy Frey, Douglas Fisher 
2. Note taking page (Click here)
3. This month, to be given our FREE "Do" teaching resource, you'll need to either attend the meeting at Angie's house or watch our Facebook live video! If watching the video, please like our Facebook page, share the video on Facebook, and make a comment or ask a question. We will send you a link to our free "Do" resource.